Her Name is Molly—Series Story (1)


Her name is Molly, and she only worries about one thing: die before see everything in this world.

Molly has millions of fans in Weibo(Micrioblog), and they followed Molly through photos and stories to travel around the world.

A snapshot of Molly's Weibo account homepage

A snapshot of Molly’s Weibo account homepage

For Molly, a story begins without reasons, and also has nothing to do with how it ends. All she cares is how she lives and what she feels right now.

Molly originally comes from Hong Kong and now she lives in Shanghai. Regarding to her friends words, she’s an untidy boy inside an adorable lady who’s never afraid of mess, dirty, even death. Why do they so? Just listen to some of her craziest travelling stories:

She flied to Kashgar just several days after the riot in Kashgar had been reported. Despite anyone’s persuasion, she carried on  regardless; She climbed a snow mountain with barefoot; She had have camped in a desert in India.

“Although these sound crazy to people, I don’t think I have experienced a real crazy adventure.” Said Molly in a interview with Reading Time Journal.



Photos (cc) by Haisen, Wang and Yaoge and published on Flickr under a Creative Commons License. Some rights reserved.